Image of Salman Khan from TED
Ask 100 students how they passed high school math and Khan Academy is bound to come up a few times. Sal Khan, founder and CEO of Khan Academy, is a true ed-tech success story. After quitting his job as a hedge fund analyst, he grew his series of closet-recorded Youtube videos, initially began as a mini-project to to help his cousin learn math, into Khan Academy, a free online education platform containing over 6,500 video lessons.
Today Khan Academy helps over 10 million students grasp K-12 Math and Science every month through carefully structured videos and exercises. As Bill Gates put it in a Times piece, “[Sal’s] impact on education might truly be incalculable." However Sal Khan’s impact goes far beyond these students. Khan Academy has set a precedent for the future of education: highly personalized, interactive, and student-centered. It’s shown that the archaic school model can be re-imagined. The movement is catching on and every year more and more schools are making a shift towards his model. Sal Khan has conveyed his larger vision of the future of education, ‘One World Schoolhouse: Education Reimagined’
With much of the content now being translated into eleven languages, Khan Academy is growing internationally as well. This presents a tremendous opportunity: as the world’s population gains access to tablets and smartphones. How might the future of education look like in countries without legacy models to build on? Education systems of much of the developing world have a unique opportunity: to leap into the future. Moreover, at a time when governments all around the world are investing enormous amounts of capital into hardware, effective software solutions are an increasingly powerful way of influencing the world’s education systems. Mastery-based learning, flipped classrooms that allow teachers to help students one-on-one or in small groups, and knowledge maps, as opposed to age-based curricula, are just a few examples of the fundamental shifts Salman Khan’s work is bringing to the world of education. In many ways, the way technology described in the ‘One World Schoolhouse’ model enables the humanization of learning on a much greater, unimagined scale!
Get a personally signed copy from Sal
The team at Dev4x is a huge fan of Salman Khan’s work. His model for the future of education is an inspiration to ed-tech teams around the world. Which is why, we’re thrilled to announce that one of the perks of our crowdfunding campaign (which will go live in mid-October) will be a certificate signed by Salman Khan, along with his book ‘The One World Schoolhouse: Education Reimagined’
The CrowdFunding campaign will go live mid-October