Image Seth Godin
As best selling author Seth Godin will tell you, often times it’s easier to get your point across with a shorter message. So I’ll keep this brief.
When asked to do a blog-post for Seth Godin, who is supporting our goal to make self-education possible for children in the poorest countries, I began to go through a long list of concepts that have helped me over the years. Indeed, subscribing to his blog will make you feel like you have a private executive coach. Seth is more than just a thought leader of marketing and entrepreneurship. He is a revolutionary of our time. In recent years, his focus has evolved to address the question of how to change education. It is best explained in his TEDx talk STOP STEALING DREAMS. This is why we at DEV4X feel that our goals dovetail nicely together.
With every blog post, we not only get the pearls of wisdom for business, but we also get a sense of love and compassion. One post emphasizes the importance of listening carefully to customer feedback while quietly taking notes if needs be, without trying to “solve” the issue on the spot. Yet another post explains how attitude, which tends to be the culmination of humility, compassion and determination, is in fact an attainable skill. Each entry is like a breath of fresh air.
Get a Personally Signed book from Seth
As Seth might put it, please invest in your legacy of giving and compassion by supporting the DEV4X crowd funding campaign which will launch mid-October! There is a special perk available where you can receive a personally signed certificate and a copy of his book 'Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?'
The CrowdFunding campaign will go live mid-October